Blogger Tips

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2. Stand Out From The Crowd

You are not a Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga or Barak Obama to let people remember you.

There are literally a gazillion of blogs out there, and 99% of them are pure junk. There’s just too much competition going out there online.

It’s really hard to build a successful blog that makes money in 2016 because of heavy competition. If you are offering the same advice everyone else is offering, why would anyone follow you and buy what you recommend?

Observe any highly profitable blogger such as Darren Rowse, Pat Flynn, Seth Godin, Derek Halpern; you will notice that they have built million dollar blogs by focusing on one thing: standing out from the rest of their competitors.

If everyone else is writing short posts in your industry, create in-depth and gigantic posts. You will stand out.
If everyone else is creating blog posts, do videos or podcasts. You will surely stand out.
If everyone else in your industry is using AdSense to monetize their blogs, try email marketing! You will stand out.

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